Monday, September 13, 2010

But why is the rum gone?

As I sat in a chair made for people 10x as small as me, helping a four year old named Keenen draw a picture of a dog on top of a house, while a six year old girl named Brooke put a hat made out of plato on top of my head, I thought to myself," This is not all there is."
Not the thought most people would have when they are helping baby sit 30 plus children under the age of eight, but it made since to me. I remember being four years old getting carried through the hall of Edmond church of Christ by my preschool teacher. At the time I was certain that that was all there was for my life. I couldn't think beyond if we were going to have gold fish or graham crackers for snack-time. 17 years later, I look back and I can learn one thing from that moment. 'This' will never be all there is.
Whatever "this" is, that's up for interpretation. What I mean though is the present moment in my life, looking at what I have and don't have, it will change and it will become a much more intense adventure as I go further down it.
In the church, we have the opportunity to do what makes our hearts come alive. I know everyone seems to have this opportunity but how many people go to bed at night next to someone and wake up feeling lonely? We are given the chance to stop tears from hitting the ground. We are given the chance to shine light on what's causing the carnage of life. We are given the chance to live an adventure beyond anything we could have planned. But most of us are haunted by one lie; This is all there is.

1 comment:

  1. There is a song entitled, "Oh My God" by Jars of Clay. I strongly recommend it in conjunction with this post.
